Brand: Alma Gourmet
Unit Count: 17.6 Ounce
Variety: Mozzarella
Flavor: Mozzarella
Weight: 1.1 PoundsFior di Latte is a fresh pulled-curd cheese, obtained from raw cow’s full milk. In the Campania region, the Agerola Fiordilatte is particularly well-known, since it is produced with a part of milk from the esteemed Agerola cow breed which makes it particularly tasty.
The smoked version has a pale yellow color and is the result of a natural smoking process which consists in smoking this cheese over beechwood shavings.
Fiordilatte Mozzarella from Agerola is particularly suitable to make pizza thanks to the specific preparation process that the fiordilatte undergoes, for which it releases a smaller quantity of liquid when it's cooked. this makes sure that the pizza doesn't get too wet. The elastic texture gives to fiordilatte the right stringiness and at the same time it remains crunchy on the palate. Fior di Latte Mozzarella from Agerola is the key ingredient of the most famous pizzerias in Naples.
1.1lb (500g) - Pack of 2
Imported from Agerola - Product of Italy
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