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Chef Gianluca Deiana Abis: Basic steps to make Risotto

Prep. time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Serve: 4


1-2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 cup carnaroli or arlechino rice

4 cups hot broth

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

salt and pepper qb


Those are the steps to make a risotto: tostatura, bagnatura e mantecatura.

1. Tostatura- Toast the rice in sauce pan until it gets lightly golden.

Arborio or Carnaroli rice is the most common rice used to make risotto, it’s perfect for texture and reliability — it’s hard to overcook and can be found in plenty of specialty markets.

2. Bagnatura - adding in the broth (wine too, optional) a scoop at a time. Warm your broth first. This is the secret to faster, creamier risotto at home: Pour your broth into a saucepan and warm it over medium heat. Warming the broth before adding it to the hot rice coaxes more starch out of each grain and prevents overcooking. Don’t forget to stirring regularly between additions. Wait until the liquid has been almost completely absorbed by the rice before adding the next ladle.

From here you can add whatever you like, seafood, vegetables, meat...You can add caramelized onions, bits of sausage, mushrooms or any other combination of flavors and textures that suit your fancy.

3. mantecatura - rice should be al dente. Remove risotto from heat. As a final step, add 1 or 2 more tablespoons of butter if desired and the cup of cheese to enrich the risotto and make it extra-creamy. Serve the risotto immediately.

Chef tips:

Risotto turns sticky and gluey if it left too long in the pan or fridge, so it should be served immediately. A properly cooked risotto should form a soft, creamy mound on a dinner plate.

You can easily turn this basic recipe into any of de delicious variations that are palate pleasers for both adults and children.


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