Chef Gianluca Deiana Abis: Saltimbocca Alla Romana

Prep. time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes Difficulty: 1 out of 5 Serve: 4
4 slices of veal
4 slices of prosciutto
4 sage leaves
1/2 cup white wine
1/4 cup flour
3 tbsp butter
1/4 cup of olive oil
black pepper qb
1/8 cup of water
To prepare Saltimbocca Alla Romana, start by cutting the veal into slices, place each slice on a cutting board, and then beat with a meat mallet to make it thin. Place prosciutto and sage leave in the center. Stick the meat with a toothpick. Add 2 tbsp of butter and oil into a pan and melt at medium-high temperature. Flour the slices of meat on one side only and place them in the pan with the hot sauce, brown the saltimbocca well. Pepper to taste.
When the meat is golden brown, add the white wine and let it evaporate. As soon as the alcohol has evaporated completely, cover with the lid and cook for another 1 minute. Transfer the saltimbocca to a plate and keep them warm. In the same pan with the cooking juices of the meat add remain butter and water. Let it cook until a slightly thick cream is created.
Pour the cream on the bottom of a serving dish and place the slices of meat on top. The Saltimbocca Alla Romana is ready!
Chef tips:
When you add the wine, lift the pan slightly and rotate it gently so that the sauce covers the top of the cutlets too, adding extra flavor to them.
#saltimboccaallaromana #italiancooking #italiantraditions #chefgianlucadeianaabis #Italy
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