Prep. time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes Difficulty: 1 out of 5 Serve: 4
500 g of flour of flour
150 g of extra virgin olive oil
150 ml of dry white wine
2 tbsps of sugar
a pinch of salt
Melt the sugar in the warm white wine and, together with the oil, pour it into the hole that you have formed with the flour arranged on a pastry board, mix and knead until the dough is smooth and let it rest for half an hour wrapped in a tea towel. In the meantime, mix 4/5 dry chopped biscuits, toasted and ground almonds or walnuts with your grape jam, maybe even a few pieces of dark chocolate and, if it seems too liquid, a few spoonfuls of breadcrumbs. Now take your dough, roll it out thinly with a rolling pin and make some circles, I used a breakfast cup, and place a nice spoonful of jam in the center, moisten the edges, close and give it the tortello shape, finishing the edges with the cutter wheel. Place them all on a baking sheet and on parchment paper and bake at 355 ° for 15 min. Be careful not to color them too much, they must be just golden brown.
While still hot, turn them upside down in the granulated sugar until it sticks. Let it cool down
Chef tips:
You can add orange zest and a little bit of cinnamon in the jam.
#TarallucciAbruzzesi #italiancookies #cokieswithjam #italiantraditions #chefgianlucadeianaabis #Italy
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